Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder

Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder
Manuel and Nancy Pamplona

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It is almost time for our Mission trip!

One week From today, our team will depart for our mission trip to Mexico!

We are ready to begin a journey into a land that God has prepared for us. A place that is being built high upon the mighty rock of Jesus Christ. It is so encouraging to know that God is already there preparing hearts and changing lives and He calls us to join Him! We are ready to experience and take part in what God is already doing. 

On Monday, we had our packing night and I always stand in pure amazement at how all the supplies fit into the space that we have. God works miracles even in the details of packing! Each team member will have one team bag that is filled to the brim of everything we need for our ministry. Please join us in prayer that all of the supplies are cleared through Customs in Mexico. Thank You

We have an early team departing on Monday, March 4 and the remaining team will leave on Wednesday, March 6. We will post updates and prayer requests (provided we have Internet in Mexico) We would love for you to be a part of the trip by following our blog and praying for us!

We want to thank our Friends, Family, and the Community of Sunshine Community Church for your prayers and generous support. You are such a vital part of the team and we couldn't do it without you!  

Prayer is the most important part of our mission trip and we would like to invite you to join us on the team through your prayers! Seriously, you can have just as much of an impact as those of us on the field through your prayers. We will have Day by Day prayer calendars available on Sunday at Sunshine and I will also attach a link (or attempt to) attach a link to this blog as well as our Facebook page. On Tuesday, March 12, we are having a day of 24 hour prayer. We stand in anticipation waiting for what God will do through the prayers of the Warriors! 

Thanks you again,

Sunshine's 2013 Mexico Outreach Team

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