Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder

Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder
Manuel and Nancy Pamplona

Monday, November 15, 2010

When Happiness Fades, JOY Remains!

Why is it that happiness is so fleeting?
Through the course of one day my feelings of happiness or the lack there of can literally change 10 times! Reflecting on that thought, I realized that being happy is an emotion that is completely based upon whether my life is going well(or not) at any given moment.

Happiness is an emotion that is based upon something positive happening in my life.

In other words...

When everything is going well in my life... I am happy
When my life isn't going so well... I am unhappy

The great news is that when the happiness fades away, JOY remains! Joy is something that is bigger than you and bigger than me and it isn't based on whether I have matching socks or a clean kitchen! With Christ in my life, I have an unspeakable JOY through the Holy Spirit. JOY is something that will last forever!

The JOY of the Lord is my strength! Nehemiah 8:10c

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