Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder

Loving People, Serving Shoulder to Shoulder
Manuel and Nancy Pamplona

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mission Team Update

Praise God! Our team is experiencing blessings that only God can provide. God continues each day to reveal his plans for the villages of San Francisco and Xocempich. Everyone from the team is doing great and we are working so well together. God is using each of us to serve him in ways that are so unique for each one of us!


Today, our cooking team made 630 sandwiches in 1 hours and 10 minutes! We have our dinner in San Francisco tonight for the families and so we could use prayers that all will go well when we pass out the meals and that God would provide enough food for everyone who comes.

Larry and the Vet team have fixed 11 dogs and cats and have provided countless other services for families with animals. He even has a family in Xocempich who asked him to move to the village!

We went home visiting today in the villages of San Francisco and Xcopteil. God´s presence was definetely present in each home we served. Please pray against the fear that so many families have as to what others will think about them if they become Christian

The Bible club is going wonderfully and each person is making such a wonderful impact on the lives of the children!

The work team is very busy with many projects including making tables and benches for Nancy and Manuels family in which they hold worship services in. There are plans being made to contract a bulldozer to level off the land which so many men have worked to level but there is much work to be done.

God is amazing and we continue to see His blessings each day!

The Outreach Team

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Mission Trip Week!

Team Packing is done... Training Complete... Let the mission Trip Begin!

The Sunshine Outreach Team would like to thank everyone who has supported us as we prepare to minister to the people of the Yucatan! We know that God is going to do amazing things for His glory because He has already provided in ways that we can't even begin to imagine! The outpouring of financial and prayer support is beyond our belief! THANK YOU!!!

Our team will be leaving for Mexico this Thursday February 18 and we will return on February 28. We will try to update this blog with team news and prayer needs while on the trip but Internet cafes seem to be hit or miss.

Sharing God's Love by Loving His People!

Wendy and the Outreach Team